Exclusive eClub Member Deals

We've gathered the top eClub Member only deals available at selected Travelodge Hotels across Australia.

Available for a limited time, these offers are exclusive to eClub members only.

Minimum 1 night stay required.
Stay Dates: 22/04/2024 - 31/12/2024.
Book By: 14/06/2024
Terms and conditions.

*All prices are quoted in AUD except where specified, are per room per night. Rates are subject to availability, exclude peak periods and can change without notification due to fluctuations in charges and currency. A limited number of rooms may be available at these rates. Discount is not applicable for any additional guests over the standard occupancy. Blackout dates, advance purchase restrictions, specific stay date restrictions, booking date restrictions or minimum night stays may apply. For full booking terms and conditions go to http://www.tfehotels.com/terms-conditions.

 Adults  Children
Ages 0-11
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